Noemie Mery an M5 student passionate and inspired about design did her personal project on fast fashion and she did an exhibition on fast fashion.

Noemie Meyr (left) & Insiya Mohammad Ali (right) at the exhibition in Arusha Campus.

‘I have always been passionate about fashion, however, learning about fast fashion from documentaries and other exhibitions changed my outlook on the fashion industry. Following this, I learned how to change something about it. I started by reducing my consumption of fast fashion clothing and instead I bought from second hand stores and smaller businesses so that I wouldn’t support mainstream brands and their ideologies. I wanted brands and their ideologies. I wanted to change something because I knew that small changes made big differences. I based my personal project on fast fashion to make even more of a difference. My goal is to raise awareness and to inform more people about the shocking cost and impact of their clothing. To do this, I used my hobby of sewing to make clothing that would further inform people about this topic.’ Noemie Meyr. This was the introduction of her fast fashion exhibition.


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